You Know You're a Nurse When...

By Rachel Lamb . 16/06/2017 · 1 Minute read

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1. The prospect of sleep is what excites you most in life

Nurses love to sleep

2. 'You're a nurse, can you look at this for me?' becomes pretty standard from family and friends

Just because I'm a nurse doesn't mean I want to see your gross scabs

3. Your favourite patients are the unconscious ones

Night shift nurses just want patients to go to sleep

4. You've used your significant other as a practise dummy

Nurse life is using your partner as a practise dummy

5. Poo just doesn't bother you anymore

Nurses don't care about poo - they've seen it all

6. fact, not much about the human body does

Nurses know how to deal with gross body stuff

7. You personally wish harm to the joker who invented the call button

The call button is the bane of a nurse's life

8. Coffee is less of a hot drink and more a vital fluid

Coffee is life - nurse life - coffee in an IV

9. You rely heavily on your amazing colleagues to keep you sane 

I have the best colleagues - nurses looking out for each other

10. You love what you do (which is why you put up with no sleep or toilet breaks)

I love being a nurse - nurse appreciation

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