UK: The Next Stop for Speech Pathologists

By Rachel Lamb . 18/07/2017 · 5 Minute read

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If you’re a Speech Pathologist looking to extend your current experience, add some oomph to your CV, or maybe just in need of an adventure, working in the UK is a fantastic start.

Maybe you’ve been thinking of trying the UK for a while, or perhaps you’re already over here and feeling slightly stumped with your current agency.

It may be on the other side of the world, but moving to the UK doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful and that’s exactly why we’re here- to alleviate the stress of finding work and help you settle into life in the UK seamlessly.

So, what makes us different to other agencies?

Well, for my team and I, the candidate’s experience is of the highest importance. We’re a specialist team with a thorough understanding of the UK’s speech and language industry, and have a great reputation for placing candidates in a variety of high quality speech jobs.

We’ll really listen to your needs and go above and beyond to meet them, whether you’re looking for a caseload you’re familiar with or if you’d like to explore a new challenge.

How will we improve your experience?

  • My team and I will work tirelessly to ensure you have the best job in a location to suit you.
  • You'll be offered assistance with accommodation and car hire.
  • We'll help you to set up a UK bank account.
  • Our dedicated Compliance Team is on hand to make sure you are fit to work and compliant to UK healthcare standards.
  • We are members of multiple NHS frameworks, allowing Your World Healthcare a broader selection of high-quality SLT jobs in the UK.
  • Our team can provide advice on your work permits, visa and professional registration from start to finish. 
  • We'll continue to advise and help you with settling into the UK after you've made the move.

We understand that travelling around the world packed with just a suitcase is daunting enough, so we make sure that all you need to think about is which of the UK’s delights you want to explore (Glastonbury, Wimbledon, The London Eye and historical castles to name just a few)!

If this has sparked your interest, get in touch! We’d love to hear from you and to be a part of your adventure to the UK!

Find out more about working overseas with Your World here.

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