Things You’ll Only Understand if You Work in a Lab

By Rachel Lamb . 29/08/2017 · 2 Minute read

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Biomedical scientists have a significant role to play within the hospital, working on a wide range of things such as the diagnosis and treatment of disease. 

At Your World, we consider our biomedical scientists to be part of an elite group of people. Did you know that for every 100 biomedical science graduates, only about 22 of them will follow their course with active BMS employment?

If you're one of these brilliant healthcare professionals who dedicate themselves to a life of laboratory work, there are a few things you experience that other people typically don’t seem to understand.

Our BMS specialist, Alice, shares all…

1) Your non-scientist friends don’t understand what you do.

I don't understand | Confused Face


2) You could fill out a COSHH form in your sleep.

Toy Story Memes | Risk Factors


3) The lab is never as clean as the day the health and safety inspector visits.

Cat in a laboratory | Lab cleaning


4) People touching door handles still wearing their lab gloves makes you cringe.

Cringe Face


5) You have a strange love for dry ice.

How cool is dry ice?


6) You become immune to the smell of ethanol.

 Biomedical scientists just get used to weird smells


7) Your bench is more organised than your life.

Biomedical science career is the only excuse you need for your messy home


8) You can hold a bottle and unscrew the lid simultaneously in one hand.

When scientists learn to hold the bottle and unscrew the lid simultaneously in one hand


9) Incorrectly labelled samples are the bane of your life.

When incorrectly labelled samples are the bane of your life


10) When an analyser breaks, it feels like the end of the world.

Nooooo, not another broken analyser! BMS problems!


Click here to see our latest jobs in biomedical science.

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