The true meaning of hard work


How many of you have visualised who you want to be in the future? The level of success you want to achieve, a lifestyle you're proud of, we're all guilty of doing it.


In a growing society where all you want is to be successful, have you forgotten what the true meaning of hard work is? What if you're too focused on reaching the end goal, that you've forgotten what's essential; right now. 


"If you're working 100% and you can't give anymore, that's a good day of work." Your World's Business Director, Simon Ryan, has a few words of wisdom to offer to those who currently have a need for:

  • TLCM (tender loving career motivation)
  • Understanding the value behind hard work
  • Career confidence

Out with the old, in with the new CV

Unless you're planning a career change and don't have much relevant experience within the field, don't stick to the one-page cv policy.


One-page CVs are perfect if you're applying for an entry-level role, or if you're a graduate. If this isn't the case, then type it all out. Don't let a word document dictate your past successes and future potential!


Think of your CV as an ROI (return on investment). The more attention and detail you apply, the bigger the return will be in the end (more interviews).


When you're applying for a job, make sure your CV relates to the role you've applied to You may need to adjust the content, use specific keywords and even highlight skills that are relevant. Recruiters can always tell if a potential employee hasn't read the overview of the role. Details go a long way.


Unless the company you're applying to have specifically requested a one-page CV, by all means, prioritise your experience. Research the role, pick out keywords, skills and make sure they are relevant to your experience.

Honesty policy

When you’re being interviewed, don’t forget to mention all past experiences and employment history. Even the ones you thinkg aren’t relevant to the job, you may specify a skill the recruiter is looking for.


Admitting you don't know how to do something doesn't make you less valuable. On the contrary, showing eagerness to learn something new, informs any employer you want to develop your skillset. There is no point in lying about the experience you don't have; be honest about the experience you do have and inform the recruiters you want to develop new skills.

Make ends meet

People who work two jobs to make ends meet tend not to tell anyone. The reality is, this isn't something you should hide. When you're working twice as hard, it shows recruiters three qualities:

  • Work ethic
  • Commitment
  • Potential

Whatever the reason, dedication and perseverance are qualities your future employer will write down to remember you by.

I'm just a

If the words "I'm just a" are mumbled every time someone asks you what you do for a living, this needs to stop. You're not just a receptionist or a taxi driver, a waitress or an accountant; you're a proud, hard-working individual.


You may not be where you would like, or even work in the industry you visualised yourself in, but that shouldn't stop you. Take pride in your job title, whatever it is. The moment you begin to show pride, more people will take you seriously in your role and admire your excitement.


A change in perspective is contagious, and it's something your manager, colleagues, friends, family and partner will pick up on.

More than a badge

How you chose to introduce yourself, will say a lot more about you than the job title attached to your name badge. It always comes down to presenting yourself in the best light. How many times have you met someone who exudes excitement while talking about their job?


On the rare occasion it happens, it makes you wonder if you should change career, except you don't need to. The only thing you need to be aware of is how you choose to respond to the question, "what do you do?". Remember, your words are infectious, and you do have the power to make each day worthwhile.

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