Everybody’s talking about resilience, but what does resilience actually mean?
According to one source, it means ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness’. If you head to www.resilience.org, their definition is that resilience is ‘the ability to successfully cope with a crisis and to return to pre-crisis status quickly’. For me, resilience means being able to hit a bump, however big, get back up and move forward.
Now, here’s a potentially controversial thought: I believe resilience doesn’t come naturally to most people. It definitely didn’t come naturally to me, yet here I am, at a point in my life where I actually feel very resilient. But how did I get here, and how does it work?
In my teenage years I was severely bullied. I won’t go into the details, but many days were spent coming home crying my eyes out, not fitting in and believing the things people said about me, which made me feel quite bad about myself.
Over the years, I’ve made friends who love me for who I am and my work colleagues seem to enjoy my company. It wasn’t until adulthood that I finally started to believe in myself, which translated into me feeling better, fully embracing who I am and what I stand for, starting my nursing journey three years ago and having a successful career in healthcare.
Resilience comes in many shapes and forms within a nursing course, from handing in assignments and pushing through 2000+ word essays to presenting in front of your peers or setting foot into your placement setting. The moment you motivate yourself to sit down at your laptop and start your essay, the one you were really dreading, that’s resilience coming through – remember that.
It’s not only major events that come under the resilience umbrella - the small victories need celebrating too!
What’s helped me, and what I’d advise you to do is:
I also feel that when you practice as a nurse or healthcare professional, resilience rears its head in different ways. We look after critically ill patients, as well as their families and loved ones who are going through very hard times, which affects us all differently. And as healthcare professionals, we have various ways of coping with this, but coping is something we must learn to do. Sometimes that’s dealing with different colleagues, challenging patients, families, aggressive behaviour, palliative care and, unfortunately, patients passing away.
Then there’s the other side of resilience, which occurs when things go wrong, mistakes are made, and some (or all) of the responsibility is yours. How do you deal with this?
What measures can you put in place to ensure that you remain resilient?
Written by: Ewout van Sabben
Twitter: @Ewout1985
Check out Ewout’s nursing blog: ewoutsdiary.wordpress.com
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