Pre-Reg Tips: Careers in Hospital Pharmacy

By Rachel Lamb . 22/07/2016 · 7 Minute read

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So you’re a fully qualified Pharmacist…but now what? It’s time to put those hard-earned skills to good use! Looking for your first official job after years of studying can be a daunting concept, but have no fears because Your World’s highly experienced Pharmacy Team has outlined some top tips to help you find that perfect first role! 

Aim for Hospital Work!

As a post-graduate, you want to build up the best career possible in a short space of time, right? A career in hospital pharmacy requires experience so even though it may be tempting to take a position within a community setting, try to resist and aim for the NHS.

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Volunteer and be Remembered!

Think of volunteer work as a warm up for your career; the more you volunteer, the more familiar you will become with the industry and the more your skills will improve! However, if you’re looking for a career in hospital pharmacy work, experience within an NHS setting is crucial. Reach out to some NHS Trusts and offer your assistance, even if that means working for free (trust us, you won’t regret it). Although great experience, community work will make creating an NHS career that much harder; volunteering within the NHS will get you the experience required and could potentially fast-track your job hunt!

If you prove yourself an invaluable member of the team, you could walk away with a job offer. 

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Climb the Right Ladder, Not the Easy One!

Sometimes we reach our ideal career path via the long route. Yes, you’ve studied to become a fully qualified Pharmacist but in the real world, the work doesn’t finish when you’re handed a certificate. If you’re looking for a hospital pharmacy job, it would be more beneficial to your career to take an ATO role within a hospital setting than a pharmacist position within community. It may not be exactly where you want to be now but it will certainly help you to get there! 

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Be Realistic About Location! 

One thing you can expect from a pharmacy career is to travel from place to place for work. Don’t invest all your hopes on a job in London straight away because, chances are, you won’t find one as a post-graduate; competition in the Capital City is extremely high! Look for work further out into the country and seek a full-time position in London when you have developed your skills and experience. 

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Don’t Forget to Update Your CV!

For every new job you volunteer/apply for, make sure you have clearly detailed all of your relevant experience, no matter how small, on your CV! 

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Didn't Pass Your Pre-Registration? Don't Panic!

Passing your pre-registration is important, yes, but don't panic if you haven't passed this time! Forget the word 'fail' - you only fail if you stop trying! So whilst you're waiting for the next round of pre-reg schemes to start, don't just sit around; help your career by finding work as an ATO or assistant in a hospital setting. You'll build your skills, gain valuable connections and ace your pre-registration next time around! 

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Would you like to get in touch with our Pharmacy Team? You can reach them by calling 0207 220 0824 or email them at: [email protected]

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