Is better training the answer to healthcare shortages in Australia?

By Rachel Lamb . 06/07/2018 · 2 Minute read

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In a recent article for The Global Recruiter, Group Managing Director for Your World Recruitment Group, Simon Taylor, has discussed the ever-changing challenges that the global recruitment industry faces.

With a particular focus on the current recruitment challenges in Australia, the article delves into the nature of the industry, global shifts in healthcare and the shortage of registered professional healthcare workers.

Also featured is an analysis of the 2018/2019 Health Budget and how it will be used, as well as a look into whether better training is the answer to Australia’s healthcare shortage. Taylor says:

“Like all countries faced with healthcare shortages, it’s down to the adequacy of training to solve a large proportion of the problem. If Australia continues to increase its net population, its healthcare numbers need to be planned in proportion to this increase.

Many healthcare workers are highly educated, with around 77 per cent of workers holding a post-school qualification compared to 61 per cent for the Australian workforce as a whole.

It is estimated that due to an ageing workforce in this industry, the skill shortages will continue to grow and Australia will continue to need more healthcare workers, hence the focus on the importance of training.”

Read the article in its entirety.

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