Ben James, one of our Speech & Language Therapy Recruiters, attended the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) Conference 21st March in London along with colleague Dean Roye. Below, Ben writes about the benefits of attending the conference has had on him and how independent SLT’s can find what they are looking for by working with Your World Healthcare.
Dean Roye and I recently attended the ASLTIP conference representing Your World Healthcare.
The aim of our visit was to speak to Independent Therapists and private organisations to find out how we can help assist in both the recruitment of SLT’s but also offer those Speech and Language Therapists with their own private practises additional work opportunities to make up any spare available time.
We spoke to a number of SLT’s who had come from various backgrounds but also with a mix of opinions and ideas on how locum staff can benefit the expansion of their own companies. Some of these we had spoken with had worked previously worked with the NHS for the number of years and wanted their own freedom to express their own methods and opinions when it came to working within the Speech and Language sector.
What was particularly encouraging was the number of newly qualified Speech and Language Therapists who had been given their first post-graduation job positions by these particular SLT’s and therefore progressed within their first job roles.
Overall, I would say that often those who work independently are overlooked but from what we could see there is a large number of independent SLT’s doing a fine job. The adaption and different qualities from the NHS methods is giving the area of Speech and Language Therapy a new lease of life and with this helping those schools, adults and children involved.
If you’d like to get in touch with Ben to see what options he can offer, please contact him by emailing [email protected] or by calling 020 7220 0811. Catch me on Twitter! @SLTRecruiter