Are You Ready to Pass the OSCE?

By Rachel Lamb . 20/04/2017 · 2 Minute read

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Wash your hands

Wash your hands at the beginning and end of every station. There are typically two marks available for this, which could make all the difference to a station that hasn’t gone well.

Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself to the patient and confirm their identity.

Be polite

The patients in your exam are often real patients who have given up their free time to help your education so thank them, and thank your examiner too.

Be gentle

Your patient may have had previous testing and examinations so be gentle throughout your examination. You don’t want the examiner to see your patient in pain.

Look smart

You may not receive points for this but it will show your examiner that you are serious about the exam.

Tie up long hair

This will keep you looking smart and shows you understand how healthcare professionals in the UK should present themselves.

Avoid anything below the elbow

Do not wear long sleeves, a watch or jewellery. If the station needs a timer, it will typically be provided.

Ask if you’re unsure

If you do not understand what the examiner is asking of you, ask them to clarify it. You will not lose marks for asking questions, but you will lose marks for performing the incorrect skill.

For more information on the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), contact Eva Cortes by emailing [email protected]

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