When it comes to immunisations, healthcare professionals can get a bit flustered at the best of times - there is a lot to remember and many of them sound so similar! Thankfully, Your World has got you covered as we’ve created this handy point of reference so you’ll understand which immunisations you need in order to work with our healthcare recruitment agency.
First and foremost, you need to consider whether you are working in an EPP or Non-EPP role. What is EPP, you ask? It stands for Exposure Prone Procedures and relates to any healthcare role that may involve the healthcare professional coming into contact with sharp instruments or needle tips. It also relates to contact with sharp tissues, such as bone or teeth, and when hands or finger tips may not be fully visible when inside a patient’s open body cavity or wound.
So what immunisations are needed for Non-EPP roles? You will need:
Measles (proof of 2xMMR vaccinations OR blood test results showing immunity (IgG > 16.5 AU/ml)))
Mumps (proof of 2xMMR vaccinations OR blood test results showing immunity OR if you have immunity to both Measles and Rubella, Mumps immunity can be assumed)
Rubella (proof of 2xMMR vaccinations OR blood test results showing immunity (IgG > 10 IU/ml))
Chicken Pox (confirmation that you have had this before OR proof of 2xVaricella vaccinations OR blood test results showing immunity (IgG > 150 Mlu/ml))
TB (proof of BCG scar OR proof of vaccination OR positive Mantoux Test OR Grade 2 Heaf Test)
Hep B (blood test results showing your surface antibodies > 100MIu/ml OR Titre levels showing your surface antibodies are between 10 and 100 Mlu/ml WITH proof of a Hep B booster OR positive Hep B core antibody, which suggests natural immunity)
And what immunisations are needed for EPP roles? In addition to the above, you will need:
HIV (blood test results, which must be taken in the UK, in an accredited laboratory. You must show your ID when having your blood taken)
Hep C (blood test results, which must be taken in the UK, in an accredited laboratory. You must show your ID when having your blood taken)
Hep B (blood test results showing Antigen level, which must be taken in the UK, in an accredited laboratory. You must show your ID when having your blood taken)
What else do you need to know?
Any proof of vaccination/blood tests must be in English, clearly showing your details (name/DOB), the issuing surgery details (name/address) and/or be stamped.
If you have a vaccination booklet make sure you have the front cover/page with your name/DOB and with a legible stamp of the issuer.
EPP bloods must be IVS (Identity Verified Sample) and obtained in an accredited laboratory.
Not sure if you will be working in an EPP role or have a query regarding your immunisations? Check with your Clinical Governance Officer by calling 020 7220 0811.