The Secret to Smashing Your Job Interview

By Rachel Lamb . 22/08/2018 · 12 Minute read

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Congratulations, your CV’s caught someone’s eye and you have landed an interview! Scary, right? But also, very exciting!

It’s when you get to the interview stages that everything suddenly starts to feel very real. Up until this point, you’ve perhaps sent your CV to multiple places, maybe had a phone call here and there, and now your potential employer has contacted you to say that they’d like to meet you in person.

This isn’t only the company’s first genuine insight into the person you are, but it’s also your first look into them – a big day for both parties!

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The key to a successful interview is simple: preparation.

We’re going to walk you through the steps of preparing for a face to face interview, so that when the moment comes, you're feeling confident and ready to show the interviewer the best version of you!

Home Preparation

Before the interview you need to pack in the research. Look into the employer you’re going to – do they have a social media presence, are there any press releases about them, have they won any awards, can you find any existing employees on LinkedIn to see what they’re talking about, and what does their website’s ‘About Us’ section say? Perhaps they have some core values you can relate and respond to.

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Researching the company in advance shows initiative and an active interest for the job, it also helps you to find talking points and plan for any questions, because you know this is something the interviewer will ask!

Questions, questions, questions!

Everyone wants to ask about pay and holiday, but we’d strongly recommend steering clear of this as it’s not attractive to an employer. Instead, try asking questions along the lines of where the company’s heading. For example, you could say, ‘I see that you’ve been in the press for…How do you plan to continue this work?’ Questions like this show intelligence and that you’re interested in the company’s progress.

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Read your CV

Finally, before the big day, make sure that you refresh your memory on what’s on your CV, as this is what the interviewer will have in front of them. They’re guaranteed to ask questions related to the points you’ve written so be prepared to expand on what is there.

Interview Day!

First things first, take a deep breath; what’s meant to be will be. Just remember, if you don’t get this job, there’ll be another waiting for you, and we’ll be here to support you along the way. Hopefully, that will instantly relieve some of the pressure for you!

Taylor Swift - Fifteen GIF | Take a deep breath

Timing is key

It’s vital to plan ahead so you arrive early (we recommend 30 minutes before). This will help you to feel more relaxed and mentally prepared, as well as looking more professional to the person holding the interview.

Feel good

Have you seen our blog on ‘power poses’? These are stances that make you feel more confident – perfect for pre-interview jitters!

Dressing well is another thing that will boost your confidence. Make sure that unless you hear otherwise, you wear smart attire.

Feeling good GIF

We’re going in!

So, you’re in the best place you can be physically and mentally: you’ve dressed to impress, practised your power poses, prepared your questions and responses, and taken some deep breaths.

Once you’re called in, smile and step forward to confidently shake the interviewer’s hand. You want to take a firm grip but not enough to crunch their hand!

When you sit down, don’t forget about your body language. Sit up straight and keep eye contact with the person asking the questions, as this shows confidence and good communication skills. Of course, feel free to look away from time to time, like for example, when you’re trying to think of an answer to a question. If, at first, you don’t feel comfortable keeping eye contact, why not practise with a friend!

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It’s ok to let your personality come through; they’ve seen your skills and experience on your CV, now’s the time for them to see what you’re like as a person and whether you’re going to fit into the work environment – it’s all about building rapport.

Show off a little, that’s what you’re there for, but be careful not to go too far - they don’t need to know what you can bench press at the gym!

The last thing to keep in mind is that you want to end on a positive note. Tell the interviewer how you look forward to hearing from them again and give them a final handshake.

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All done! That wasn’t too bad, was it?

Take a brief moment, perhaps in the car, to reflect on how the interview went in your eyes. It’s always good to look back and think about what went well and what could have gone better.

Good luck!

If you would like to talk to someone for more advice, the Your World Healthcare Ireland Team would be more than happy to help – just call 01531 2888.

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